LA FUE Hair New York

Sooner or later during their lives most people will experience hair thinning or hair loss. For many this can be an intense blow to their self-esteem and self-image. However, just because you see hair on your brush after using it… does not mean you have a problem. It does, however, indicate that you should investigate things.

How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?

Hair shedding is a natural part of the hair’s growth cycle so do not panic about losing some. The typical person’s scalp contains approximately 100,000 hair follicles. Every day the average person loses between 50 and 100 of them. Normal hair shedding is nothing to be worried about, it is only when it becomes more extreme that one should seek treatment.

How Do You Know If You’re Losing Too Much Hair?

There are visual cues you can look for. Obviously, bald spots or patchy areas are an indicator, but many signs are not quite as obvious. If your hairbrush captures more than the usual amount of hair (or if those hairs seem short or broken), it indicates a problem. Likewise finding excessive hair in the shower drain is a warning sign that you are losing more hair than normal.

In addition, you should look for a widening of your part or an increase in the amount of space between your hairline and your eyebrows. If you notice any of these signs you should make an appointment to diagnose the issue. If you are suffering hair loss, the earlier you diagnose it and begin treatment the better your chances are of stopping or even reversing it.

How Long Does the Hair Shedding Phase Last?

The hair growth cycle proceeds through a number of phases. The Final phase is called the telogen phase, and that is when natural shedding occurs. At any point, around 5-8% of your hair is in this phase.

If more than 10-15% of your hair is in the telogen phase it is a condition called telogen effluvium and more hair than usual will shed. This is usually a temporary condition caused by another factor such as recent surgery, high levels of stress, or being sick. In most of these cases (and with proper treatment), the hair grows back. Often doing so within about six months.

The First Step on the Road to a Full Head of Hair

If you are concerned that you might be suffering greater amounts of hair shedding than usual, bald spots, or patchiness… come in for an examination to diagnose the precise issue. At L.A. FUE Hair New York, we custom tailor each treatment plan to the individual case. Each person’s physiology is different and requires a different approach to have the greatest chance of success.

Our team brings over a decade of experience to the table in order to help you make the best and most informed decisions possible concerning your hair loss treatment. Together we will craft a strategy for realizing your hair restoration goals. Contact us today to set up an appointment to begin your hair restoration journey!